Recommended environment for usage

1. Web browser
Mozilla Firefox latest version, Google Chrome latest version and Safari latest version is recommended for reviewing this site. This site may not be used or properly displayed without the recommended environment or depending on the configuration of the web browser even under the recommended environment.

3. Style Sheets
This site uses style sheets. In case the using web browser is configured to invalid style sheets, this site may not be properly displayed. Please validate style sheets in the configuration of the web browser to review such contents.

Copyright and disclaimer

Please read the following for using this site comfortably, and also be forewarned that the contents below may be subject to change without notification. Reviewing, using or downloading of the contents and information contained in this site is regarded to consent to the following terms and conditions:

1. Copyright
The copyright of any content on this site (including without limitation, design, graphic, document, image, web structure and program, called the “contents”) belongs to CWS (the “company”). Copy, reprint or any other second use of the contents is prohibited by the copyright laws of domestic or foreign countries regardless of the purpose. The company may seek legal proceeding against any prohibited activity.

2. Link
Any request to configure a link to this site must be informed to the company with your name, contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address), URL of the site linked to this site and the contents and the purpose of the link to obtain the company’s approval.

3. Disclaimer
The company never represents any warranty on the strictness, usefulness, safety and other qualities of the contents. The company does not have responsibility for any damage incurred by use of such information, inability to use such information or use of this site. Please also be forewarned that the information on this site may be subject to change or delection without notification.

4. Governing law and jurisdiction
Unless otherwise provided, interpretations and applications of the terms of services and disclaimer of this site are subject to Japanese laws. Unless otherwise provided, any dispute in relation to the use of this site is subject to an exclusive jurisdiction of Tokyo District Court for first trial.